Jun 12 2017 0

Living in the US

You are about to take one of the biggest journeys of your life: living and studying in a different country. You will probably look back on this adventure as one of the greatest decisions you ever made. That is not to say you will not have any challenges when you come to study and live in the US, but they are worth it. Here are some tips to help get you started on your new journey.


Tip 1 – Finding A Place To Live


One of the challenges international students face when coming to study in the US is actually finding a place to live. International students are only able to enter the 30 days prior to their start date, which does not leave a lot of time to find a place. This can be particularly challenging since housing is limited, especially closer to the start of the semester. Luckily there are other alternatives that can make it easier for international students to find housing. Once such alternative is LoftSmart, a partner of eShipGlobal. They have a personal concierge service that will help you find an apartment near your college and will ensure that your documentation and lease application is properly handled. Since finding a place to live in the US is complicated, it is important to know what resources are available that will help make it easier.


Tip 2 – Transportation


You probably won’t have a car when you arrive in the US, which means you need to find other means of transportation. Your university may provide free public transportation passes, so you should ask your advisor or school where you can get or buy one. You can use these passes to travel around the city on buses, or in larger cities, trains and subways. You can also use services like Uber to get rides to places.


Tip 3 – Get Acclimated


Once you get to the US and get settled in, it is time to start acclimating. Getting acclimated will help prevent you from feeling alienated or segregated. So how can you get acclimated? There are many ways to get acclimated: you could get involved in campus groups or activities, connect with American students and experience the culture. Use your school’s resources if you find yourself needing help or someone to talk to. You are not alone.  


Tip 4 – Stay Connected


Don’t forget to stay connected with your family and friends back home. There are many ways you can stay connected: phone, video calling, email, letters, packages, etc. If you want to send something back home you can save money on shipping when you use eShipNOW. It is important to stay connected, but do not become too dependent on that connection or you will miss out on experiencing the culture.  


You might find that things in the US are totally different than back home and experience a little culture shock. However, you will adjust, make new friends and develop some great connections while here. It might be challenging at first, but it will get better and it will be worth it.


By: Ashleigh Cue

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